Tuesday, October 27, 2009

e-PRO Certification

I can say that I finally complete my e-PRO designation course. It seems silly but it almost took me the full six months to complete it. I had a lot of changes during that time. I changed offices and my business grew exponetially. However, even though it did take me the full six months, I have to say that this was one course that was well "worth it's weight in gold". This course explores everything from domains, internet marketing to simple blogging techniques and I really believe is the new role in the real estate industry.
I next will be working on my ABR designation as I do work as a Buyer's agent most times and am always looking for a way to be better and improve my skills. I am hoping as the snow begins to fly and things settle down in our sleepy mountain time I will have some time to cuddle up next to a roaring fire and my laptop for some educational credits.
Education seems to be the core of a better business in my opinion aside from actual learning knowledge from transactions this appears to be the single most effective way to better yourself.

Well...I am off to work on my latest course, everyone have a wonderful day.

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